Tuesday, November 26, 2013

How Hollywood animals are repeatedly harmed in movie and TV production - Daily Mail

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How Hollywood animals are repeatedly harmed in movie and TV production - Daily Mail

Daily Mail

How Hollywood animals are repeatedly harmed in movie and TV production
Daily Mail
The tiger, known in the film as Richard Parker, was tasked with swimming to the side during a scene and became disoriented. A trainer had to lasso him with a rope and pull him to safety. In an email obtained by The Hollywood Reporter, AHA monitor Gina ...
Animal cruelty running wild in Hollywood: reportNew York Daily News
Hollywood Reporter investigation exposes animals harmed on film sets89.3 KPCC
“No Animals Were Harmed” is a lie: Exposé reveals abuses on Hollywood setsSalon
Slate Magazine (blog) -The Week Magazine -Big Hollywood
all 40 news articles »

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